What is the Best Amp to match with CJ ART??

I just bought an ART series 2 preamp and have been trying to decide what amps would be a good Match. My speakers are a pair of Nestorovic Labs (92 DB efficient) and a pair of Quad USA Monitors (a little less efficient). Any thoughts??
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Congratulations! I would think a pair of CJ Premier 8's or 12's would fit the bill nicely.

Ditto the congratulations! The CJ amps would be a nice match, but also consider the Atma-Sphere MA-1 OTLs or CAT JL-2. For relaxed beauty of sound, the CJ's are hard to beat. The A-S will give a more articulate, quick and neutral sound with higher resolving capability, while maintaining the tonal beauty and rendering complex harmonic overtones supremely well.
Hey Rush. Have you heard the ART-2? I know some of the older C-J offerings had that more "relaxed" or "warm" or "tubey" sound, however we want to describe it. But the ART-2 isn't your dad's old C-J. The ART-2 is not thin, bright or analytical don't get me wrong. Rather, it is transparent, resolute and alive without being rolled off or syrupy. In addition, with some good NOS tubes it can be taliored to meet your requirements. It has a fabulous harmonic richness without being dark.

I pair mine with the Lamm 1.2 References and it is a match made in heaven for me with my big Kharmas.

Then again, this is just my tastes and opinion!!