I am one of those CAT amp owners (JL-1s) that tried using a CAT preamp, but went in a different direction. In my experience, I found that the CAT preamps prior to the Ultimate (which I have not heard in my system), were not the equal of the amps. This is not intended to knock the CAT pre's, just a reflection of my belief that the CAT amps are, if not the finest, among the very finest amps made, whereas I found the preamps to be only "very good". Specifically, the CAT preamps lack the dynamics - micro, and especially, macro - the neutrality, or the authority (from the midbass down), of the amps. I found the preamps to be more colored - they err a bit on the lighter shade of pale. The amps and preamps are relatively equal when it comes to resolution - both excel at resolving low level detail. The preamps have a bit of grain in the upper midrange, that is not present in the amps. In the end, I found the amps to be more musically involving than the preamps.
I have found that, as far as line stages go, a top quality transformer passive (e.g., Silver Rock) is substantially better than the CAT SL-1 Signature Mk III (the most recent version with which I have had any experience). I tried a C-J Art (older version) in my system, and found that to be a better match with the CAT amps (the C-J amps, by contrast, are nowhere near the quality of the CAT amps). I also preferred the diminutive Audio Synthesis Passion (not as exceptional bass, but lower noise floor and more transparent through the midrange) to the CAT SL-1. I did prefer the CAT to the BAT VK-5i and the Thor TA-2000. For whatever reason, the CAT also worked better in my system than the Placette passive (which surprised me).
The phono stage used in the CAT preamps is very, very good, and definitely better than the line stage - in fact, if one were building a phono only system, it would be a top choice. However, I do not believe it to be the equal of the Manley Steelhead or the Counterpoint SA-9. Based on limited hearing, I would say the Aesthetix Io Signtature and Lamm phono stages are possibly better as well, but wouldn't bet the house on it.