No solid state man!My boy!Prefferably tubes in my heart of hearts,yet having had both on my Ascents,the two chassis modified 8t is of the ilk that even my tube "only" crowd is hard pressed to identify a sonic signature!Runs dead cold,too.What's not to like,Sir Fox? -:)BTW--the Spectral
/Avalon marketing began with the campaign to compete with the Wilson designs using the "2c3d"(two channel/three D)moniker.All while driving the later Avalon Radians,which had bass and mid drivers that pushed a good deal more air than the earlier Ascents,but were NOT as detailed here(yet played Watt/Puppy loud with the SPECTRALS).The Ascents were designed with,and voiced for Rowland's amps of the day(8t/9t),which can be updated to the latest power supply technology.I'm having that done now.
BTW--I had Sir Steve Huntly do massive work on my Pre/ a comparison with a friend's CJ Art(orig,and modded)/Premier phonostage,Huntley managed to get me deeper bass with a blacker background.All else very similar.Of course my secret weapon are Siemens CCa's in phonostage.Super quiet/super pricey.Hey we all cannot be perfect.HMM,maybe I am doing a bit of rationalizing.NAH,I'm actually not.
As Ripley would say,of the previous words stated,by little, very old, me....believe it,or not!!-:)
/Avalon marketing began with the campaign to compete with the Wilson designs using the "2c3d"(two channel/three D)moniker.All while driving the later Avalon Radians,which had bass and mid drivers that pushed a good deal more air than the earlier Ascents,but were NOT as detailed here(yet played Watt/Puppy loud with the SPECTRALS).The Ascents were designed with,and voiced for Rowland's amps of the day(8t/9t),which can be updated to the latest power supply technology.I'm having that done now.
BTW--I had Sir Steve Huntly do massive work on my Pre/ a comparison with a friend's CJ Art(orig,and modded)/Premier phonostage,Huntley managed to get me deeper bass with a blacker background.All else very similar.Of course my secret weapon are Siemens CCa's in phonostage.Super quiet/super pricey.Hey we all cannot be perfect.HMM,maybe I am doing a bit of rationalizing.NAH,I'm actually not.
As Ripley would say,of the previous words stated,by little, very old, me....believe it,or not!!-:)