Question on a Levinson 27.5 amp

I am wondering what is going to shorten the life expectancy of my Mark Levinson 27.5 more, turning it on/off several times per week, or just leaving it on? The benefit of the latter is of course, no warm up time, but if I do that will the amp start having problems a few years from now??

Whoaru99, if your amp is "working OK" but you just want to see if it's performance is "up to snuff", just take it to any local audio technician and have him put it on his signal generator and he'll check the output on his ocilloscope. He can tell you many things from this simple test. And that's probably what Levinson would do anyway, at least to start with.
Ading, I have a Madrigal schematic for a 23/23.5 voltage change. I don;t know if it would apply to your 27.5. It's pretty simple though -- a few jumper changes to the input board. So if your board is identical, it probably works the same way. Or you can just email Madrigal and (maybe! ;-) they'll send you a PDF file for the 27.5.

In any case, if you'll send me your email address, I'll send you what I have.
