Has anyone heard the Ref 3?

Just curious if anyone has had the opportunity to copare Audio Research's new Ref 3 preamp with the older Ref 1 or Ref 2 or even LS 25 Mk II.

Yes - I've heard both the Ref 2 and the Ref 3 in the system
of Audiogon member "oneobgyn":


I believe "OB" thinks the Ref 2 --> Ref 3 was a very worthwhile
upgrade. From his response of 8/20/05 to Guido:

"To sum up in a nut shell and to avoid flowery and prosaic
paragraghs, what I have noticed with the upgrade on the
Ref 3 is a better, tighter and more articulate bass and a
smoother more enjoyable high frequency. It is however the
change in the bottom end that was the most apparent
(switching to the 6550C output tube). Adding the four bypass
caps produced a more subtle change in the upper range.

As much as I liked the ARC Ref 2 Mk ll which I previously
owned the newer ARC Ref 3 eclipses it by a huge margin. I
knew that you would like it as well. Remember that these
changes are merely rolling line changes and if ordered now,
will come with the upgrades."

I believe "OB" is quite happy with the ARC Ref 3. You can
ask him for more details in the discussion area of his
system page. He is most helpful in all things audio.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
I would agree the Ref 3 is significant upgrade to the Ref 2. The Ref 3 is less colored, more transparent and gets out of the way of music more. Owners of the Ref 3 can get another improvement by replacing the stock Svetlana 6550c tube with a NOS Genalex KT88. The difference in terms of tonality, involvement, and imaging were substantial in my system.
KT88? Is this tube supposed to be a compatible replacement with 6550C? Did you experience hiss before or after the rolling in the KT88?
KT88s and 6550s are usually compatible in the same circuit. The hiss existed before and after changing tubes. This pre really sounds quite a bit better with the Genalex in my opinion.
I haven't heard the Ref 3 yet but had the LS2BMKII for years and now a tweaked LS5MKIII - I can say you'll not miss the LS2B once you step up!

Bob Wood