300b vs 845

I own a nice 300b amp but would like to know what I might gain/loose going to a 845 tube. I know I will get more watts and therefore more volume or dynamics, but that's really all I know. I have only heard one 845 amp, a ASL Lalya, its sound pretty good, but a little grainy.
Your thoughts would be a big help.
great write-up, Phil! really excellent info, and very well written

I share your impression of the various 845's as played through my Nagra VPA's, though never tried the KR's (some have caused shorts in the Nagra amps, so i'm hesitant).
I am currently own a chinese 845(music angel)..I didnt like it all( too bright/harsh),but i am not sure if it the sound of the 845 tube or the cheap chinese amp that sound harsh.my speaker is the avantgarde uno.

Thanks for you comments. Those Nagra VPA's are great amps, which I'd really love some day to put head-to-head with mine. It wouldn't surprise me if the Nagras would win.

You're right about the KR tube. It is a peculiar beast and in fact I have elected to shun it in my own amps for sustained use. Audion does offer it as an extra-cost upgrade and the factory speaks highly of the tube. I have had zero trouble with the very affordable Shuguang tubes, and the new metal plate is so desirable, even at 25% less power, that I haven't felt any need to spring for hyper-cost tubes, current or NOS. I think the 845M is a breakthrough and I'm really eager to buy a pair of the further upgraded metal plate version that appears imminent from superTNT.

The 845 requires a challenging high-voltage circuit to build which I think explains why some of the entry-level amps sound unmusical when built to a price point. You have the opposite - amps built to a quality point, and I am sure you enjoy them every minute they have glow in their tubes.

Thanks for the very kind words, Phil. I am enjoying the VPA's very much these days. In fact, i will be receiving dsome NOS 12AX7's and E182CC's to drop into these puppies today! I cant wait. Thanks also for the tip on the upcoming SuperTNT 845M. I will be buying them also.