300b vs 845

I own a nice 300b amp but would like to know what I might gain/loose going to a 845 tube. I know I will get more watts and therefore more volume or dynamics, but that's really all I know. I have only heard one 845 amp, a ASL Lalya, its sound pretty good, but a little grainy.
Your thoughts would be a big help.
Isn't the Valve Art 845 just a rebranded Shuguang? The dealer told me this when I bought my 845Bs. I am curious because I may buy a spare set of 845Bs in the near future, and I want to make sure that I get the Valve Arts if they are different from the Shuguangs.
Jeffreyds ,
i have came across some sites which are reviews of some of these chinese valves,
and take note of appearance, descriptions, even use google image search or just plain google try trace if any pictures compares, you would know if the source (net or dealer) is accurate or not.



hope these helps

im not even sure, but getting there in terms of gathering information, it wont be till well into 2007 i'd get either 845B or 845M or even a NOS... will let you know

I agree with you about upgrading the caps, chokes and windings for the ASL, however , im not experienced enough to do this myself but has a small fortune to know a retired army engineer who does, ONLY if it does breaks down, id replace if i have to (thin wallet now).

The valve art is just a rebranded Shuguang. Valve ART claims that are built to better tolances for them. I bought some. Didn't A-B very much time though. AS I don't think there was any difference. One out of the three pairs I ordered, one was cryoed and failed after a couple of weeks before I could compare to the non cryoed.

Valve Art doesn't charge much more their's. I think the name looks better anyway than Shuguang. But don't waste too much time thinking about this.
Yes, the ValveArt 845 is made by Shuguang, but I understand they're selected to tighter tolerances. I've accumulated a pair of each while I wait...and wait...and wait...for the (new-version) amps.

Just so we all understand, the 6L6 is the series-pass device in the tubed PowerSupply regulator for the 2-'N7 frontend; the 'N7 close to it is the regulator's error amplifier. One of the things I really like about this amp is that its frontend PS is separate (after the power transformer's primary windings) from its output-stage PS. Each of the other 2 'N7s is a Voltage-gain stage and a shunt-regulated push-pull (SRPP) stage suppling the Voltage. (For details on the latter, see http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=tubediy&n=108914&highlight=jeffreybehr&r=&session= .)