Replacing Sonic Frontiers Line 3 SE

Have owned it since new for a couple years, been extremely happy with it. But it's time to try something different, notice I said different instead of better.

Line 3 SE has great transparency, soundstage width/depth, and extension. Looking for something of similar calibre but maybe even more dynamic w/o losing the musicality. Does something like that exist? Also need both XLR & RCA in/out for flexibility and convenience.

Budget is $5k used or under, rest of my system can be viewed under virtual system.
unless you just have to spend 5k, there really isn't much that compares with your sf. the words 'extremely happy' don't show up often here. your amp may not like the change either.
I owned the same preamp for three years (SE upgrade after a year.) I just went through the replacement dance the beginning of this year. Auditioned
Big BAT51SE - frankly it didn't beat the Line 3 at all
Big Boulder ($35K I think) very analytical etched and unmusical.
Calypso - Better but the improvement over the Line 3 was not worth the money.
Ayre K1xe - This is what I upgraded to. Better in every way. Although not tube equipment, its the best and most musical preamp I've ever heard. Only preamp I've ever heard with the harmonic lushness of tubes but the accuracy and detail of solid state. The best of the two worlds (balanced also.)
How about upgrading the 3SE at Parts Connection? Might make an already fine pre even better.
Keis, I have heard similar feedbacks on BAT VK51SE and Aesthetic.

Since I posted this thread, I ordered some 6GH8 to replaced my worn pair. I experimented with different 6922 and made no significant difference in dynamic, but putting in a pair NOS Zenith 6GH8 and dynamic jumped back to life. Bass, micro dynamic, and detail all improved with the new tubes, wondering what other NOS 6GH8 I should experiment with.

But right after the tube change my Line 3 SE developed the famous volume control failure. According to SFI, it's the simple optical encoder that failed and should be easy to replace. Has anyone done this himself?

Ayre, that's a big surprise. I know V-1X is great, but never would have thought K-1X can beat a world class tube pre.

Another pre I am considering is Nagra, but that has no XLR in/out.
I also have a Line 3 which was factory modded when I ordered it new almost 5 years ago, it is essentially an SE too and I could not think of anything I would replace it with which could do all it does sonically AND boast its features. I wish you luck and will be following this thread, please keep us updated. I've personally been intrigued by the Wyetech but it's $$$ and won't compare with features. Regards.