@DaveyF: Totally understand the risks. I think the circuit is in many ways superior to the Classic 120s and VTXXXs I used to own, and provides more opportunities for asjustments, thats why my quest for this amp.
@HifiGeek1: Thx for the cautions. Guess I have been lucky. The only Hexfreds that have exploded on me was the IXYS bridges. Been lucky with fairchild 1200V stealth and ST 100V Schottkys. Knock on wood. The filament supply is good for 4 x 625mA (6FQ7), AC filament in parallel, and I am only changing 2 of those guys to 900mA. The 6922s use DC filaments (15VAC winding) and thats where I plan to use the 100V Schottkys.
@HifiGeek1: Thx for the cautions. Guess I have been lucky. The only Hexfreds that have exploded on me was the IXYS bridges. Been lucky with fairchild 1200V stealth and ST 100V Schottkys. Knock on wood. The filament supply is good for 4 x 625mA (6FQ7), AC filament in parallel, and I am only changing 2 of those guys to 900mA. The 6922s use DC filaments (15VAC winding) and thats where I plan to use the 100V Schottkys.