Spend my $8,000 pt. 2

A rehash of some previous threads so I apologize, but I'd love some help!

Need a pre/power and phono-stage (HO MC or MM) for my system system (Sony SCD-1, Totem Forests, MH MMF 7--soon to be VPI Aries 2--variety of cables), have about $8,000. I'm auditioning:

Plinius 9200 (no balanced inputs!)
BAT VK-300XSE (bad phono?)
Sim i-7 (no phono!)
JRDG Concerto (bad phono/digital?)
Accustic Arts Power 1(no phono/underpowered?)


Aesthtix Janus (tube--too warm?)
Ayre K1xe (over my budget!)

I know I'm picky, and I know I need to make a compromise: I either need a killer Integrated, which doesn't sacrifice too much to separates, and add a good phono stage; or, I need a preamp with a killer phono stage and find it a good power amp. Given these choices which do you think entails less of a sacrifice?

I'm also having trouble getting first-hand opinions on any of the phono sections of the components above that have them onboard. I hear the 9200 phono-stage is actually good, but only from a poster who doesn't use it. The BAT seems to get tepid reactions. Apparently no one in the _world_ owns the JRDG Concerto with the phono stage. People love the Aesthetix Calypso and the Rhea Phono, but I can't find many opnions on the Janus. Any first hand experience with these phono stages?

I only have room for two boxes. I'm not looking for lush/warm tube sound, just something accurate, neutral, with pin-point accuracy and great imaging...sheesh, I want it all! The Aesthetix at $6500 means I'll need to buy a temp. amp used and then save for something better, which I'm not adverse to. I want something that will stave off the upgrade bug and mate well with sources and speakers higher up the food chain, since I know my SCD-1 and Forests aren't the final word (for me at least). Help!

And just think, soon you get to help me pick either a phono stage or a power amp. Oh Joy!

Thanks a ton!
I had a VK3i with the phono card. If that is the same as in the 300x then is was fair, but that's about all.
Too bad the Ayre K-1XE is over your budget, because the phono cards are quite good. Very detailed and yet musical. It also has a very, very black background, which is the thing I love most about it. (I much prefer it to my old ARC PH-3 phono stage, as there is no tube rushing.)

Well, good luck in your search.
Hi again, looks like you're getting close now to a lovely setup...

For 8 grand you might find a Klyne System 7 or a Hovland HP 100 preamp, and still have enough left for a Simaudio Moon W-3 or W-5. The Klynes are separate boxes for preamp and phono stage, but they're half-height and should fit on one shelf if they need to. I've heard the Simaudio amps with the Totems and I think they are made for each other, but if you want tubes, c-j amplification also sounds very fine with these speakers.

If you are limited to what's on your list, then without knowing all of the items on it, I would tend towards the Moon i-7 and a phono stage (and here I would listen to Audiomat). I liked the Accustic Arts integrated but for my taste and money, if there is any question of a power shortage with Totems, choose something else.
Swampwalker: Yeah, that's what I gather about the BAT. I don't think it's ultimately the route for me regardless of the phono. This is a petty concern (and I'm petty person) but I can't stand the look of the BAT. I know it should be abot the music, and I know cosmetics are all subjective, but I'm an art dealer and can't avoid what runs through my veins.

Kurt_tank: I'm now considering the Ayre, but would have to find a good price on it, or save up some more loot. I read great things about the Phono stage, and the thing that worries me about the Aesthetix Janus is that there could be tube-rush. Anyone experience this? I could always add the Ayre outboard phono to an integrated...

Tobias: I'm getting warmer (thanks to everyone's help!) I also love the sim/totem combo. Totem uses Sim and Ayre equipment when they demo, so the K-1 and the i-7 are interesting. I'm actually nervous about the idea of tubes, because it means more tweaking and maintenace down the road compared to SS. However, the Janus gets great reviews and has some great features (that even the Ayre lacks) so I'll make careful study of it. If I stick to my budget, I could get the Sim i-7 and the Ayre outboard phono for about the same as the Aesthetix Janus would cost me, and I wouldn't have to shell out extra for a power amp. I guess the question is do I want to be limited to my choice of phono stage, and get to play around with diff. power amps, or be limited to the power amp and try diff. phono stages. I listen to 50/50 vinyl/cd so that's a tough decision. Anone else in this predicament?

Thanks everyone, and keep the help coming!