Spend my $8,000 pt. 2

A rehash of some previous threads so I apologize, but I'd love some help!

Need a pre/power and phono-stage (HO MC or MM) for my system system (Sony SCD-1, Totem Forests, MH MMF 7--soon to be VPI Aries 2--variety of cables), have about $8,000. I'm auditioning:

Plinius 9200 (no balanced inputs!)
BAT VK-300XSE (bad phono?)
Sim i-7 (no phono!)
JRDG Concerto (bad phono/digital?)
Accustic Arts Power 1(no phono/underpowered?)


Aesthtix Janus (tube--too warm?)
Ayre K1xe (over my budget!)

I know I'm picky, and I know I need to make a compromise: I either need a killer Integrated, which doesn't sacrifice too much to separates, and add a good phono stage; or, I need a preamp with a killer phono stage and find it a good power amp. Given these choices which do you think entails less of a sacrifice?

I'm also having trouble getting first-hand opinions on any of the phono sections of the components above that have them onboard. I hear the 9200 phono-stage is actually good, but only from a poster who doesn't use it. The BAT seems to get tepid reactions. Apparently no one in the _world_ owns the JRDG Concerto with the phono stage. People love the Aesthetix Calypso and the Rhea Phono, but I can't find many opnions on the Janus. Any first hand experience with these phono stages?

I only have room for two boxes. I'm not looking for lush/warm tube sound, just something accurate, neutral, with pin-point accuracy and great imaging...sheesh, I want it all! The Aesthetix at $6500 means I'll need to buy a temp. amp used and then save for something better, which I'm not adverse to. I want something that will stave off the upgrade bug and mate well with sources and speakers higher up the food chain, since I know my SCD-1 and Forests aren't the final word (for me at least). Help!

And just think, soon you get to help me pick either a phono stage or a power amp. Oh Joy!

Thanks a ton!
Here's an option. The new Modwright preamp at $2200 will outperform almost any preamp out there under 5-6K. I have heard it as well as have been told this by Dan and several others. Take a look at it and then you can reallocate your funds for phone stage and power amp. If you want to even have some monet left over try a pair of Channel Island DM 100 or 200 amps with the Modwright preamp. If the CI phono stage is half as good as the mono blocks, then you are done.
Cellorover: Thanks for the info. As the Aesthetix pre is 6500 and the Ayre pre is 8600, it appears I'm not looking at preamps under 5-6K. I'm not looking to spend this money on principa (the plinius is on my list)l, it's just worked out that way, because, and this is the other thing I've mentioned above, I only want 2 boxes (covering pre/power and phono) and these seem to satisfy my needs without sacrificing too much in any area. Also, I'm sure the Modwright is a great preamp, and I'm sure Dan has every right to be confident in it, but I will only buy gear that I can audition in NYC, and I think this precludes the Modwright. Someone emailed me offline to say they thought the sim i-7 and ayre p-5xe combo would possibly rival the aesthetix janus and ayre v-5xe combo but at about 3 grand less (although they haven't heard the i-7) so that'll bear some looking into.
have you looked at the classe cap-151 integrated? also, the mcintosh ma-6900 is a nice integrated.
Rbstehno: I like the classe unit, but It also only goes to 225 at 4 ohm, and while that's not a concern with the Totems, I don't want to rule out the idea of getting a pair of huge brutes down the road if I end up finding something I like more than the Verity Fidelios. Also, I think the Plinius 9200 sounds better.

The Mcintosh I don't like. I know some people love Mc gear, I just may not be one of them. It's also HUGE, which is a drawback, and don't like the EQ feature (although I don't have to use it, I know).

Is it possible that there aren't integratedes in the sub 8K area that rival seperate pre/amp combos (w/out phono) the same way there are Preamps with onboard phonos that rival a line/outboard phono combo?

It seems more people end up trading their integrated for a pre/power combo than swapping out their Preamp for a 2-box line/phono solution; however, this is like comparing apples and oranges (and I'm by no means a fruit expert).

Mimberman, "Aesthtix Janus (tube--too warm?)" Not a chance. Aesthetix is some of the best sounding front end equipment I have ever heard. That is why I own a Rhea and Calypso. It has all the "tube sound" advantages and none of the detriments. It is one of the least "old tube" sounding tube systems I know. Sorry I can't answer the Janus question directly as I too have never compared it head to head with Jim Whites other fine gear. With Totems and a VPI you have an excellent base. Be sure to match an amp(s) that have great synergy with the speakers. No other part of the Hifi needs to be as well matched, beyond maybe the TT/tonearm/cartridge pairing IMHO. LOL