Spend my $8,000 pt. 2

A rehash of some previous threads so I apologize, but I'd love some help!

Need a pre/power and phono-stage (HO MC or MM) for my system system (Sony SCD-1, Totem Forests, MH MMF 7--soon to be VPI Aries 2--variety of cables), have about $8,000. I'm auditioning:

Plinius 9200 (no balanced inputs!)
BAT VK-300XSE (bad phono?)
Sim i-7 (no phono!)
JRDG Concerto (bad phono/digital?)
Accustic Arts Power 1(no phono/underpowered?)


Aesthtix Janus (tube--too warm?)
Ayre K1xe (over my budget!)

I know I'm picky, and I know I need to make a compromise: I either need a killer Integrated, which doesn't sacrifice too much to separates, and add a good phono stage; or, I need a preamp with a killer phono stage and find it a good power amp. Given these choices which do you think entails less of a sacrifice?

I'm also having trouble getting first-hand opinions on any of the phono sections of the components above that have them onboard. I hear the 9200 phono-stage is actually good, but only from a poster who doesn't use it. The BAT seems to get tepid reactions. Apparently no one in the _world_ owns the JRDG Concerto with the phono stage. People love the Aesthetix Calypso and the Rhea Phono, but I can't find many opnions on the Janus. Any first hand experience with these phono stages?

I only have room for two boxes. I'm not looking for lush/warm tube sound, just something accurate, neutral, with pin-point accuracy and great imaging...sheesh, I want it all! The Aesthetix at $6500 means I'll need to buy a temp. amp used and then save for something better, which I'm not adverse to. I want something that will stave off the upgrade bug and mate well with sources and speakers higher up the food chain, since I know my SCD-1 and Forests aren't the final word (for me at least). Help!

And just think, soon you get to help me pick either a phono stage or a power amp. Oh Joy!

Thanks a ton!
I agree that some have had some tube noise problems with the Aesthetix. Not me, or two of my immediate friends. Yet I realize by the threads of A'gon that it exists. Both Stereophile and The Absolute Sound have recently reviewed these units and list them as recommended or editors choice components if you take any stock in that kind of thing. And yes I agree that if you went the extra mile to buy separates in the long run you would not be disappointed. As for amps... I'm not full of answers given your budget. Maybe a pair of used Atma-Sphere M60's and the Aesthetix (used) could be the trick. I have Atma-Sphere OTL's and I swear by them. I'm not sure what would be the best match for the Totems and can't remember for the life of me what I heard them with. I also agree... to trust your ears in the final analysis. Cheers!
R_f_sayles: It seems Jim White is good at customer service (some say he's slow, but I've had not experience, clearly, so I'll reserve any opinion) so should a problem develop I'm confident he'll stand behind the product. As far as the reviews go, it's nice, but ultimately not a deal breaker. I did a little rading on the Atma-Spheres, but I think I'm going to stick with SS for now. I want tubes somewhere in the chain, but I think I'll start with the Pre, as this is my first tube exposure and I want to take my time getting used to it. Likely contenders would be a sim w-5, Rowland 201s, McCormack 250, and there are some nice classe's out there, or maybe an old rowland, but I'd prefer to buy new. What do your buddies use with their Aesthetix gear?
To answer your query, my friends us Atma-Sphere or other tube gear with their Aesthetix. It's not a requirement but rather a choice. I understand your like of SS to do the power end of the scenario and see nothing wrong with that. There are a lot of great SS amps out there. If it hadn't been for a number of events coming together; a good friend with Atma-Sphere OTL's and two years of my listening at his home and the fact that the amps are not flea powered by any means (mine, MA-1 MK2.3 Silver editions are 140w@8ohms and I'm driving 14ohm speakers) and the fact that I found an excellent deal on a demo pair through a great dealer on A'gon, I might still be SS myself. Not to try to sell you on tubes or Atma-Sphere yet, I find these amps handle the full musical range very completely. Their ability to give great textural detail in a solid lower registry is more than I have heard from a number of SS amps. Solid state is known for fast, rock solid bass and extended high end and in general tubes are not. Here is where Ralph’s OTL’s break all the rules. IMHO these amps leave nothing to be desired. They show lots of air, throw a great sound stage, very fast, pitch accurate, and highly detailed without being analytical at all. I find them just very musical and quite complete. The one caveat is that some speaker loads, I think 4ohm, cause difficulties and are not the best suited for pairing with these amps. Personally I know little of the compatibility problems, as I have no experience with trying to pair them.

Just a note about Jim White or for that matter Ralph Karsten equally, you would be hard pressed to find two more helpful and knowledgeable, true audiophile gentlemen if you tried. Read A’gon threads and I believe you will not find one curse word about either.

I do not have a tremendously varied background of experience as many on A’gon do with a plethora of various equipment. I have always listened carefully and long and then spent my money. As an example I have owned a Linn Sondek Lp12 TT since 1983 and don’t see the need to try a hundred other decks to figure out which flavor I like (this week). For you, and especially because this is my first tube foray and potentially my last due to the excellent quality of this equipment and excellent quality of support, I would not be the most unbiased and diversely knowledgeable for recommendations. I hope this longwinded explanation has been helpful.
Happy hunting and in the words of Elmer Fudd “Shhhhhh! Quiet, we’re hunting wabbit! Cheers!
If your considering a Simaudio i-7 then you might want to also consider this combo of the Simaudio W-5 and Copland CTA 305. In addition to the five sets of line level inputs, the CTA 305 offers a high quality phono level amplifier.

also see UHF, Reference Systems;
Heli_dog: Thanks for the heads up. What are you using the Copland with? Have you compared its phono stage with anything else? I can't seem to find who reps them in NY, so I guess I'll email the copland people. Anyone have an idea?

Also, any Rowland 201 users want to chime in on what they think of the sound? Man am I demanding!

Thanks everyone for your help...I'll continue to update this thread as I audition (starting this friday!) just in case anyone is interested. Maybe someday I'll even be able to add pics of my system, if I ever get to set it up. If you're selling/renting an apt. in downtown manhattan let me know!!!!