No headphone output....options???

Sorry if this is an obvious question. I searched but didn't find any answers. I have a Sophia EL34 integrated amp and I want to use my Sennheiser 600 with it, but there is no headphone output on the amp. Any suggestions? I know ASL makes a little box that runs $150 and goes in between the amp and speakers, having a headphone output and toggle switch. I'm hoping someone has another idea. Thanks.
The channel islands box will work fine. You end up having an EL34 based headphone amp. If you want to play with one, I have the same thing by another company that I'd sell wayyyyy cheaper than $150. They work great. Has volume and speaker on/off. You just need a short pair of interconnects. I can throw in a pair of those too? or audiogon elevick
Headroom makes excellent headphone amplifier products as does Musical Fidelity. Less expensive units that are usable can be had from Rega and Creek and quite a few others (Consonance, ASL). You can buy dirt cheap of spend thousands on high end headphone amps.