Downsized and still happy, can it happen?

I would like to hear from those who have moved from separates to an integrated amp in their system and your experience in doing so. Any buyers remorse in selling the separates? Are you still running the integrated or now considering separates again? Do you still get the same level of satisfaction from the system? Which pre/power amp did you have and what integrated replaced them?

Lately I find myself constantly considering and researching high quality integrated amps and admiring them for the all in one solution. I have all these components, powercords, conditioners and interconnects that I could unload and then replace with fewer higher quality versions. That is pretty much what is driving me into this little sidebar consideration.
I considered an integrated amp at one time & have noticed that some seasoned audiophiles that have reached the end of the road, do this as a final solution to the madness that comes with this hobby. I personally feel that a integrated amp restricts your ability to pair different products together (other than CD players & tuners) unless it has main ins & preamps outs. But if you feel compelled to use these inputs & outputs then you might as well have gone with separates. If you do decide to go in this direction (integrated) I wouldn't rush into selling your separates before knowing this can result in a long term, satisifying experience.
The Rowland integrated and actually the Tact M2150 integrated could fit about 80% of my needs. I was amazed by the Tact since it only requires a transport because of the built in DAC amp essentially. But then again I like chasing the merry go round of this hobby... so off I go again to spend 5x the integrated on a pair of monoblocks and all the complexities of powercords, interconnects, and power filtering .....
I used to run the Krell HTS Pre/Pro into a Krell KAV-1500 5 channel amp. Since I live in a small NYC apartment, I decided that it was just too much stuff so I downsized to the McIntosh MHT-200. Between selling offf the equipment and all the expensive interconnects and extra powercord, I walked away with cash and more space. No buyers regret whatsoever. Best move I ever made for HT.

However, my issue now is HT or 2-channel for music. I recently (a day ago) installed 2 McIntosh MC275s to drive the L+R channels for music. I had always wanted to try tubes and I had an opportunity to get these 2 at such a goodd price, I couldn't pass it up.

If I had to sell off everything and go into a 2-channel integrated, I would go for a VAC Super Avatar. I would miss the glow of thte tubes and the lit glass panel of the Mac though!

We'll discuss it more this weekend, but years ago, I went from a Krell KS-50 and CJ tubed preamp (name forgotten) to a DIY solid-state integrated that a good friend of mine--a master engineer with two graduate degrees from MIT--built for me. It weighed 90 pounds and had a transformer the size of my head (which is quite inflated, as you know). Anyway, my friend's integrated really put a serious beating to the Krell combo, and I sold that setup in a hurry. Integrateds are getting better and better every year, and while separates can sound better than an integrated at equivalent pricepoints, it depends on the designs in question. There are some FANTASTIC integrateds on the market right now that can compete with separates at significantly higher price points. In addition, you have one less component in the chain, which is almost always a good thing. In theory, having the power supplies separated is superior to having them in one chassis, but I think integrated design has evolved to a point where a well-designed integrated can seriously compete with, and sometimes better, more expensive separates. With your current equipment, I definitely think you can find an integrated that will better it. It might take some research, but it can certainly be done, IMO. It never quite ends, does it? :)