Rowland --- older amps vs the newer models?

Curious to hear from the Rowland fans with regard to the newest models....501/201 - ICE....I've always heard glowing reports of older Rowland model (single digit ones) but little about the latest. Best to stick with the earlier versions?
Ar t, that's a good description of the differnces between choke and other power supplies. Oddly, I am not bothered by the weight, of course it helps that my brother helps me lift the darn thing.
Regarding the hum, I have always taken care to support the amp on a good amp stand( zoethecus) and to make sure that it is not close to any analog devices. Also, I know that if i.e. a low powered halogen is on in the house that that will be a major source of hum.
The top plate mod is a very good mod for this amp though, because the choke seems to need an extreemly rigid chassis.
sirspeedy, in truth, I have not heard your version of the amp( only the single chassis version, which as I stated above, the choke is better IMHO) I would think that a dual chassis design with power supply in seperate chassis would be beneficial.
Have you A/B'ed your current amp against the single chassis choke of your friend.Does he have top-plate mod, because if not he should be recommended to get it.
Have any of you guys ever compared something like the 8T or 9T to a current Krell cx amp?
I should qualify my question: Looking at the used market, I have found myself drawn towards larger amps in the 4-5K price range. I want a high current delivery stereo amp, and the only other requirement for me is the ability to turn it on and off remotely via a trigger because of my installation. Currently I am using Legacy Focus 20/20 speakers that seem to thrive on current and the 8t appears to fit that criteria, along with the Krell FBP-300CX and 400CX, and also Levinson and perhaps Pass Labs amps.

Unfortunately I just cannot audition most of these amps, especially the older Rowland amps, so it becomes a bit of a guessing game, and a high dollar one at that.

I have never heard the 8t, that is why I asked the question above.