Pass labs X-350 Love it or hate it

I want to know if anybody loves the x-350 power amp, I only read about people who love the newer models, Im kinda sick of hearing that, I have had my X 350 about 4 months now, I think it is as good if not better then anything out there today, I am using it with a wadia 850 direct into my martin logan monolith iii speakers, I am using nordost quattro fil i.c and transparent speaker wires with custom nordost spm for connection to crossover, what do you think.I have heard krell, I thought it too bright, I liked AR vt-200, sounded just like my pass.
I can only imagine having just bought your X=350 and reading nothing but praise for the .5 model.
As we all know reading can be bad for our check book.
I own the X-150 which is the same amp less power. This is the best amp I have owned. I have had a Odyessey amp, a McCormack, a Belles, a hybrid 2 stage Llano 300 watt side beast and a CJ amp (which I liked better than all the other amps). I have read that the newer .5 Pass amps have a warmer more natural mids like the Aleph amps. I don't care. The original series sound just as warm and natural as my CJ amp in the mids(which did the midrage best out of all amps I have compared it to until the Pass) and it sounds right everywhere else. I have very good ears. I am a professional jazz pianist and I know what live sounds like. This amp is the closest I have been to the real thing. Haven't heard the newer amps, but I bet they are slightly better and not worth the big $$$ to upgrade. - Jeff
I am so very happy that I am not alone, I also feel that cj amps are really close to the sound of the pass, truly great midrange, sweet!!!
Sorry, Null1 and Jeffjazz, no one is attacking your first generation X-series amps, but time and Nelson Pass marchs on. I owned and enjoyed for over nine years a pair of Aleph 1 monoblocks in my system. When Pass Labs came out with the X generation series I audtioned the 350 and admired its dynamics,details,transparency and extension on the top/bottem, but found the amp to be not as musical or natural sounding as my Alephs. However, the new X-.5 series is a beautiful blend of the warmth/musicality of the Aleph series with the wonderful above mentioned virtues of the X-series. If you heard the 350 and the 350.5 side by side you would hear the difference, and realize it is signficant in nature. Your amps are still great pieces and it sounds like you guys love them, however the new X-.5 series is another step towards the reference of live music and proves again that Mr. Pass is a pretty bright fellow to say the least.