Pass labs X-350 Love it or hate it

I want to know if anybody loves the x-350 power amp, I only read about people who love the newer models, Im kinda sick of hearing that, I have had my X 350 about 4 months now, I think it is as good if not better then anything out there today, I am using it with a wadia 850 direct into my martin logan monolith iii speakers, I am using nordost quattro fil i.c and transparent speaker wires with custom nordost spm for connection to crossover, what do you think.I have heard krell, I thought it too bright, I liked AR vt-200, sounded just like my pass.
Has anybody ever compared a Symphonic Line to a Pass Labs ?
Should be a great shoot out between the creation of two geniuses.
There is so much good quality out there. Ancient and new. It is impossible to have heard everything, even less in different configurations. So people have a tendancy to prefer.....what they own. And they visit forums and read reviews in order to find info to reinforce their preferences.

With a Pass X-350, you are above 95% of audiophiles who will never reach that level. But those 95% will comment your gear.

Is a Ferrari better than an Aston Martin ? Is a Ferrari GTO better than a Testorossa ? Hey, you own a Ferrari ! Just be happy and enjoy it !
I've owned a X-350 (after many others), it was a good solid amp I was in the minority who thought it was more musical than the X-250. I moved on to the XA-160s...very musical, (best amps I have owned), than back in time to Aleph 3s, 2nd best amps I've owned...or was it the Aleph 2 monos? (again after many others). It just depends on your system your room and your ears. It is hard to just enjoy the it not?