Preamp/Amp synergy with Cain Abby's?

Well here it is: I finally got my Cain Abby's three months ago and they are completely broken in (800+ hours). Now it's finally time to try out some different preamp/amps. After talking to Terry (Cain) and since no amp seems perfect for my musical tastes (everything from World, Jazz, Rock), I am currently looking at getting two different amps for different moods with a matching preamp:

Fi Y preamp

SET amps:
(intended for low volume, relaxed listening sessions)
Bottlehead S.E.X. amp (already got it, but it is still not quite finished)
Fi X amp (planned for sometime in the future, fits 2A3 and 45 tubes, just love the looks)

Solid State:
(for more bottom end control, and a fast, tight sound)
First Watt F1

Any comments, experiences, recommendations?

The rest of my system...(just replaced the Super 3 with Abby's)

Well, thanks already in advance for all your help.

Best wishes,

The best amp for these speakers is the Wright Sound 2A3 monoblock amps with a Wright preamp. Can't do any better with these speakers. Owned Wright gear with cain & Cain speakers and it was the best sound I have ever owned by a good margin. The Wright amps are just a steal new or used.

Bill, thanks very much for your response. I was wondering about the Wright gear (in particular since they do have great phono preamps, but so far had not heard of many people running the Abby's with the Wright 2A3 monos.

Bill, what other amps did you try on the Abby's?

I feel the Abby's need a more than usual careful amp match: For my current Jolida 302 the highs are just too forward sounding, the bass (in EL34 fashion) is just a tad on the slow side. The Jolida worked so much better with my previous monitor speakers with limited, tight bass. Also, the little Sonic Impact I tried seemed a little slow (again in the bass) for my taste. The best amp so far was a Sophia EL34 I listened to at Sound Real Audio. The Fi X and the First Watt both got great comments at AA and on Agon.

I wonder how the Wright WPL11 would match with the First Watt F1 besides of course being a great match with the 2A3s?
The Wright 3.5 mono's are magic with your speakers. Plenty of power and an immediacy/intimacy that will astound you.
Not forward or bright and not slow or to thick. You must try it as nothing I can say will matter - you must hear them together. Talk to Terry at Cain & Cain as he also know how well they mate.
I am still kicking myself for not getting the Wright's earlier. I found a used one close by were I used to live (Albuquerque), but now that I am north of the border things are slightly more difficult.

I have read the Wright 2A3 amps seem to have a little more power than the Fi X and are a little quieter, while the Fi X can exhibit hum sometimes. Still haven't quite decided on whether to go with the Wright WPL11 / 2A3 combo or the Fi X/Y combo. I don't think there's really much I can do wrong though.
You ever thought of using a low wattage Op chip amp amplifier on the Abbys with a tubed preamp? The combo is terrific. You'll have the low end control and tubed magic all rolled up into one. Super revealing and transparent amplifiers IMO.