Lamm ML 2.1 SET vs ASR Emitter II, DartZel

If you had to compare a tube amp with the best of solid state amps, how would the Lamm ML 2.1 differ from the other two above. I am planning on either the VonSchweikert VR-7, or the Wilson Max II speakers which are both efficient speakers. All kinds of music, EMM labs front end, preamp optional with EMM.
Is this HiEnd rock/paper/scissors? Does IMPORTED Overpriced goods beat DOMESTIC overpriced goods? All of the above mentioned could be categorized the way you mention. Unfortunately, some of the best sounding out of the box conventionally built and manufactured gear is named above. Why would you differentiate between domestic and imported? Value is relative to where you are and what price you put on it. Is the Lamm M2.1 a value compared to the ASR? I am not so sure. I can say I own(ed) or have heard all of the above gear and it all depends on your listening preferences, partnering equipment and room. Listen to as much as you can in your own system then make the call.

Also, we should know if some of these comments come from a dealers perspective, in the interest of full disclosure. It doesn't change the validity of your opinion, but don't put yourself in the position of being a troll
I was wondering when someone would post about the ASR amp.
If old HP says it revolutionary, I'd take the time to give
it a listen.

I like the idea of less boxes, less interconnects, less power cords...etc.

Since as you point out, the VR-7 and Wilson Max II speakers are both efficient speakers and will work well with a number of different amps, I'd decided on which speakers will work best in your listening room, and then shop for electronics.
Latraviata (Tommy): Your statement is very amusing. Have you ever heard the darTZeel or ASR? Or, are you just guessing?

Aren't you the guy that was recommending Spectral gear a while back?

Both the LAMM ML2.1's and the CAT JL3's are fine amplifiers, but I have a few customers that got rid of both after hearing the darTZeel.
Kana813 - Ironically When I speced out an ASR it was 4 chassis (preamp, battery, left, right) so there is definitely no saving of space on the rack, but less cables you have to buy.
Jtinn, LOL! In my opinion the ASR is pretty special and may be the one to beat, and yes the convenience and cable savings pay for a good part of the unit (love that remote as well as the other capabilities). I'd love to hear the darTZeel's head to head-let the winner stay! In my opinion the ASR's I have here are allowing me to hear details with a clarity I didn't think possible without sounding either mechanical, bright or etched like the vast majority of solid state out there, or colored and slow like a lot of the top tube amps. HP was right when he called the ASR revolutionary. I have the ASR Emitter I which is sonically almost identical as the II with slightly less power but some say is more open, transparent and detailed with the II being slightly darker sounding. I can tell you with absolute certainty I don't miss my beloved SET's with the ASR's in the mix. It is not better than tube or solid state, its more like melting the walls of your listening room and seeing a 3 dimensional rendering the space of the recording, the instruments in an amazingly layered space and my own personal grail of "pulsing sphere" effect of sound emanating in all dimensions. It's a little disconcerting at first when you hear it since you're hearing some subtle (and some not so subtle) spatial cues in very familiar recordings that you've just never heard before, with depth that just blows out the back wall of your listening space.