Is this HiEnd rock/paper/scissors? Does IMPORTED Overpriced goods beat DOMESTIC overpriced goods? All of the above mentioned could be categorized the way you mention. Unfortunately, some of the best sounding out of the box conventionally built and manufactured gear is named above. Why would you differentiate between domestic and imported? Value is relative to where you are and what price you put on it. Is the Lamm M2.1 a value compared to the ASR? I am not so sure. I can say I own(ed) or have heard all of the above gear and it all depends on your listening preferences, partnering equipment and room. Listen to as much as you can in your own system then make the call.
Also, we should know if some of these comments come from a dealers perspective, in the interest of full disclosure. It doesn't change the validity of your opinion, but don't put yourself in the position of being a troll
Also, we should know if some of these comments come from a dealers perspective, in the interest of full disclosure. It doesn't change the validity of your opinion, but don't put yourself in the position of being a troll