Hello fellow GONers. I am new to AUDIOGON , but not to the audio world. I have recently purchased the Emitter II Exclusive blue version. Music gear has been in my life since the age of two. My dad built and rolled his own amps speakers etc. Second generation bug.
I have owned different gear over the years, every new component was auditoned back and forth to hear if any changes took place. As you guys know, this is best the way to improve your system for your individual taste.
Some of the comparisions have taken a long time to reach a conclusion . The Emitter II Exclusive was such an immediate dramatic change that I was floored! The music flowed like it has never before - the usual adjectives to describe soundstage, depth, width, height, room presence, 3D-like imaging, slam, transcience, dynamics, and pinpoint imaging are not adequate. The difference is so profound in my system that words cannot describe what I hear!
I've had other audiophiles and musicians listen and go away shaking their heads in disbelief. They have never heard anything like it either.
Regarding the price, best money I've ever spent!! Get the unit home and listen for yourself - you won't be disappointed.
Auf wiedersehen! Happy listening!