Looking for an incredibly dynamic preamplifier

I'm looking for a dynamic preamp that provides plenty of attack, great bottom end, and an iron-fisted grip on the system. The best I've heard so far (and by a long shot) is the Wyetech Labs Opal.
I would assume that other units with robust outboard power supplies are good candidates? Maybe a battery-powered unit like the new DartZeel pre would qualify?
Thanks for answering my questions. You've given me a much better idea of what to expect from First Sound equipment. If you do get to hear an Opal I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.
I plan on listening to an Aesthetix Callisto Signature in my system in the near future. Unlike the FS, I have a feeling that this preamp may be closer to being "a rich, ambient, reverberant sounding piece of equipment." By the way, have you ever heard a CTC Blowtorch?
Nope. I haven't heard a Blowtorch. I would like to, but with what they cost, it is a path I couldn't go down, so it would only be curiosity which would drive me to hear it. I have heard that they are something special.
Granite Audio 770 is another model to consider seriously. I'm very happy with it. Here's a link: http://www.graniteaudio.com/amp/page3.html
First Sound owners:
Are there certain models of First Sound preamplifiers that are smoother/warmer in the upper midrange than others?
Do things generally get more refined in this area as you move up the line?
My speakers are somewhat 'hard' in the upper midrange and I've read that First Sound preamps can be a little 'hot' in this area.
I need dynamics but I'd prefer not to have singers shouting or piano notes ringing.
Easily the most dynamic preamp I've heard so far -- it was recently and I wasn't expecting it -- is the Audiopax Model 5.

Really explosive, with slam, subterranean bass with transient discipline, and startling in the way it projects leading edge attack into the room. It also has both high gain and moderate gain outputs, so it will adapt to just about any system.

Also, you have to take a little time to understand and adjust the TimbreLock system, which in the preamp's case requires you to dial in the right gain and volume settings (using the L/R gain controls to find the sweet spot relative to your power amp) and then master volume for loudness.

This thing nails it. You get remote.
