Less fatiquing

My Bryston 3B and Bryston preamp .5 are beautiful pieces but also very bright. I am just getting into this hobby and dont have alot of money but thought someone could make a suggestion to make my system warmer and less shrill at higher volumes. I have tara lab prism interconnects and PSB Image 5T speakers. Oh and I am using a Rotel RX965 Limited cd player or the Denon 2500 DVD as a player. Thanks in advance...bt
I had a system that was too aggressive and harsh in the midrange. Putting in Cardas neutral reference cables did the trick for me. It really took the aggressiveness out of the mids. I no longer have that system, and am currently selling the cables here on the 'gon. It's not exactly a "cheap" fix - still costs a bit over $500.

If you have audio friends, I would suggest that you try substituting in pieces of their equipment to check out various links on the chain.
I would like to throw the room into the mix too. Speaker placement can sometimes correct deficiencies but a room that is hard will take some work to warm up. Some experimentation with the room can usually yield good results.

I use cables like tone controls, as do many other folks & don't forget PC's & receptacles when looking into cables.
I agree with Hooper. The amps may be playing a role in this, but it is more likely your source or speakers. Consider upgrading to a Transport/DAC or computer/DAC, which is superior. Mods to these can further minimize sibilance. Some sibilance will be caused by jitter in the digital signal.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Your problem is NOT your speakers. Have you ever met an audiophile who didn't recommend that you trade up? (OK, I do it all the time myself). Seriously, I have a second system with the very similar 7PT PSBs and an NAD receiver. I have a Denon player as a source, but use the NAD's DACs. With MIT cabling, I have, if anything, the opposite problem. Sometimes I feel as if everything is covered in molasses. No, I don't necessarily like things on the bright side. I would try your speakers with some NAD electronics before I replaced the speakers. No, it doesn't have the pedigree of something like Classe, but it might be a synergistic combination.
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