Tube Integrated Amps

I'm in love with tube integrated amps after owning ASL AQ1001 and Rogue Audio 88. Both KT88 base. Also heard the Jadis Orchestral and I think these really save you lots of time, money and heartache matching and tuning(I'm one of them). Apart from those that I'd mentioned, there must be many other good ones around. Please share some of your info. Tks.
Check out the LS-960I from for self-biasing, carefree excellence in sound reproduction, including the low end control and slam usually associated with solid state designs.
The era when it was a requirement to have preamp and amp separate components is past. You are correct that some of the best sound today is available with the integrateds.
Very satisfied with my Consonance Cyber 10 Signature, 2A3 tubes, 12 watts a channel....inexpensive to boot!
I am using a Jolida 502A tube integrated amp. I have been extremely happy with it. It's rated at 60 watts per channel but performs way beyond that with my Chapman speakers and their 4 ohm load.
I have upgraded the line stage tubes once and the power cord twice and now the amp is going to Bill Baker at Response Audio in New York for his Reference Modification upgrade. I think with the reputation of the Jolida amps, especially the ones that have been modified, they certainly have to be on the list of tube integrated amps...especially for those looking for bang for the buck components.
There are many others that are great out there. The usually cost more. But the two you mentioned are up with the best in their respective price range. I love them too. I went from seperates solid state to a tube integrated and I don't want to upgrade. I have an extra cable and power cord to boot.