DarTZeel Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the new DarTZeel NHB 18NS Preamplifier? A few 'Goners have commented on hearing the unit at 2005 CES, but I was wondering in particular if anyone has purchased one, or heard one in a familiar system or at a dealer for instance. Thanks.
Frank Peraino: You say FACTS.

The FACTS are:

1. Jeff Fritz promised the break-in request would be respected. It was not.

2. Jeff Fritz promised to call me following break-in for instructions on how to remove DC compensation for increased sonic performance. He did not.

3. Marc Michelson promised the above requests would be honored. On these promises, I sent the amplifier out to them. Marc did not honor his commitments either.

4. You bully Hooper and he does not want to deal with the confrontation, so he takes the path of least resistance.

5. Frank, out of convenience for your stance, you totally ignore verication that the statements in the owner's manual were overrided by a decision by the manufacturer to amend a policy. There have been numerous reports by those who actually own and use the amplifier that atest to this.

6. You do indeed have an agenda when it comes to me. It is your obvious intention here and in other threads to demean me and the products I represent.

6. Mike Lavigne (properly spelled) was not happy with my "name calling" regarding Jeff and Marc. He stated so earlier in the thread. I acknowledged that early on as well when I stated:

"First let me say that even if I conveyed exactly how I felt in my post, it was probably in bad taste on my part and I regret stating it the way I did. Certainly I could have told the story and people would have been able to draw their own conclusions."

If you read Mike's other posts, he says the same exact things I say but does so in a more "politically correct way. Again, Frank, you are twisting statements around for your convenience.

Frank, your lack of credibility and your motivation is extremely well known. Maybe we should have MES, Hooper, Panorama, Bruce and others "testify" as to their experiences with you.

In closing, Mr. Peraino, may I suggest that you use your time in a more productive manner. I am sure Comerica Bank would prefer your time there being spent working on things they are paying you to do.
Fmpnd: I just realized that most of the people here that are standing up for you and attacking me have email addresses and no user accounts here. They have one post in their record and that is here in this thread AND they happened to start on Audiogon the day they wrote the thread.

I am wondering who is putting them up to it and who these people actually are.

Smells a little fishy doesn't it Frank?
Just FYI, I had a looong reply planned for Frank, but as the adults we are, we contacted each other offline and resolved ALL our differences in a most understanding and friendly manner. As far as both of us are concerned, this matter is settled. Period. It does not affect my friendship with JTinn in the least--I still love the guy like an older brother--but it's always better to have two friends than one. Frank and I both understand that to err is human, to forgive divine (Grandmaster Flash said that, right? :). Bickering like we've seen here is not only meaningless, it also hurts what matters most to us: this hobby and the friends we make from it. It also hurts a great company, DarTZeel, and an even greater man, its owner, Herve Deletraz. Let's try to put agendas and egos aside, and enjoy what we're all in this wacky pursuit for: the MUSIC and the ability to enjoy it in the luxury of our own homes at the highest possible fidelity. Can I get an amen?
Thank you again, Mmalin.

At this point, could we all go back to the product itself?

jakesommers@netscape.net I would have no reservations about buying any product that Jonathan represents.

Talk with any of Johnathan customers and you will hear nothing but praise about him and the way he takes care of his customers. I have little doubt that should a problem arise with anything Jonathans sells he is going to be in the customers corner.