"Fmpnd: I just realized that most of the people here that are standing up for you and attacking me have email addresses and no user accounts here.
"I am wondering who is putting them up to it and who these people actually are."
JTinn, just to set the record straight, I am not new here and I have posted many, many times. No one put me up to posting in this thread. It's your vitriol that motivated me to post. Anytime someone criticizes a product you sale, the daggers come out. It's unprofessional and often mean-spirited. Anyone can do a search for the many examples.
As someone who is constantly salesshacking here, you could take some lessons in civility from another dealer on the 'Gon, Duke, who is always a perfect gentleman, even when someone disagrees with him or criticizes a product he sells.
If I were the manufacturer of Dartzeel, I would have shut you down in this thread a long time ago. Your attack-dog tactics in this thread couldn't have been helpful to their products.
"I am wondering who is putting them up to it and who these people actually are."
JTinn, just to set the record straight, I am not new here and I have posted many, many times. No one put me up to posting in this thread. It's your vitriol that motivated me to post. Anytime someone criticizes a product you sale, the daggers come out. It's unprofessional and often mean-spirited. Anyone can do a search for the many examples.
As someone who is constantly salesshacking here, you could take some lessons in civility from another dealer on the 'Gon, Duke, who is always a perfect gentleman, even when someone disagrees with him or criticizes a product he sells.
If I were the manufacturer of Dartzeel, I would have shut you down in this thread a long time ago. Your attack-dog tactics in this thread couldn't have been helpful to their products.