There is only one way to know for sure how good
the nuforce amps sound, "I Kid You Not", Listen
To Me. All Amp generate Noise! Resonences, they
Vibrate, Hum, and so on, One only needs to place
8s or 9s on Maple Block just big enough to hold
them, possiblly weigh them down with about five
LBs of lead shot spread evenly accross entire
top of amp. Now in equal triangle set Stillpoints
with height ajusters under Maple Block, scewing
the Stillpoints up and down, while listing you
will be able to effectively drain off all Noise
from chassis and Amp, "Stillpoints Can Do This"
You will here your Amps for the First time with
out noise being added into swicthing ICs, this is
critical because of the shear speed of the ICs
can "smear" or distort any noise thats innerduced
in to them. All equipment that us audiophiles use
generates noise, there isn't one that can't be
Vastly improved by direct ajustable hight Still-
points, Try it, You'll "Freak Out!" and become a
Believer like me.
the nuforce amps sound, "I Kid You Not", Listen
To Me. All Amp generate Noise! Resonences, they
Vibrate, Hum, and so on, One only needs to place
8s or 9s on Maple Block just big enough to hold
them, possiblly weigh them down with about five
LBs of lead shot spread evenly accross entire
top of amp. Now in equal triangle set Stillpoints
with height ajusters under Maple Block, scewing
the Stillpoints up and down, while listing you
will be able to effectively drain off all Noise
from chassis and Amp, "Stillpoints Can Do This"
You will here your Amps for the First time with
out noise being added into swicthing ICs, this is
critical because of the shear speed of the ICs
can "smear" or distort any noise thats innerduced
in to them. All equipment that us audiophiles use
generates noise, there isn't one that can't be
Vastly improved by direct ajustable hight Still-
points, Try it, You'll "Freak Out!" and become a
Believer like me.