Lamm 2.1 amps

Does anyone have any opinions on these amps? I have Rowland amps now and am thinking of switching to these. What are the solid state/tube hybrid amps strenths and weaknesses?
Yes I was talking about the M2.1s. The M2.2s are a bit expensive so I thought this would be a good model to try. I also have kids so I do not want to have tubes with yound kids for fear of one of them being as stupid as I was as a young boy. You detailed response is just what I was looking for. Thanks for the comments.
Just to update anyone that is thinking of the Lamm amps. I eventually decided on the Lamm 1.2 Reference amps. Amazing product. Great spacially with amzing detail and life. It is like listening to a live performance. I know these are expensive, I really can't believe I paid as much for them even used, but they are worth it. Simply amazing. For me, they are perfect.
Interesting thread as I also have Rowland (201) mono amps with Dynaudio 5.4 speakers. I am also condsidering the Lamm amps. Interested if anyone has experience with the Lamm/Dynaudio combination. The Dynaudio does like more power.
I am running the ML 2.1's in my system to power huge Wilson X-2's. It is the finest amp I have ever owned and at 18 wpc, it has sufficient to headroom to drive the huge 15" drivers on the X-2's with ease.