Which Tube Preamp under $10K?

I am seeking to replace my Audio Research LS16. $10K is a hard upper limit which must include a phono stage. It matters not if it is built-in or a separate component, but It should be decent. So, in terms of a new line stage for $8500 or less, I'm currently considering The CJ CT5, one of the VACs, the VTL 6.5 and perhaps the BAT 31SE or not yet released ARC LS26. I am driving a pair of Bel Canto Evo 2 Gen II monoblocks which are driving B&W Nautilus 803s. I like the tube sound, maybe even on the sweet side for some tastes. The older CJ gear has always been a touch dark for me, but the newer stuff is said to have lightened up considerably. So, speed, dimensionality and a tubelike upper midrange are where I want to go with this purchase. All comments and suggestions welcome.
Atma-Sphere is supurb equipment -- well worth a listen.

Perhaps you already know this -- in buying a tube preamp to mate with a solid-state amp, it is important to make sure that the output impedence of the preamp and input impedence of the amp are appropriate for each other. The output impedence of some tube preamps can be quite high in the bass (e.g., BAT -- 3 kOhms), while the input impedence of some solid-state amps (vintage Rowland, professional gear) can be as low as 600 Ohms. As a (very) general rule, the input impedence of the amp should be at least ten times the output impedence of the preamp at all frequencies.
To Stanhifi,

Perhaps you are right. I think a fair number of my posts are more informative than commercial, but lately I may have drifted more towards the latter. Thanks for the feedback.

Take a look at the Aesthetix Calypso line stage and its companion phono stage, the Aesthetix Rhea. Really a wonderful combination for about $7k for the pair. If you prefer a single chassis, then these two units are available as the Aesthetix Janus, which sells for about $6500. Either of these choices will give you wonderful sound. And if you are willing to buy used equipment, keep an eye open for the Aesthetix Io and Callisto. Here's a link that you may find useful:
No problem with used gear and the LS16 is one I've been meaning to take a look at. Judy, what is the basis of your anti B&W furver? The Steelhead is an excellent suggestion, btw. ON Aesthetix gear, its reputation seems to be that excessive tube rolling is necessary to get it to work right. I also have a good friend who went through loads of tube rolling and then once he found the right combination for his Calypso, the thing blew up on him. I don't know this to be a general trend though.
Also, for that kind of money why not just have custom line stage built? We can do that for a lot less money that you are talking about. It would use a 5842 for the driver tube and quality output transformers.