Crown commercial amps for home use?

Hi: I was wondering if anyone is using a Crown amp full-range for home stereo and if so,how do they compete sound-wise with other "home-use" amps?. I am looking for at least 400 per-side@4ohms,power-miser and no fan! I was looking into the K-1, but not sure now!!! Thanks, Huck
I have a K2 and, although it makes an excellent bass amp, in full range duty it yields a very slightly strident sound in the midrange through treble areas. it's not a bad sounding amp full range but, it just doesn't exhude the transparency and purity in these critical areas that I would expect. Notes just don't have the natural decay that other amplifiers provide.

Speaking of transparency and purity, I also have an Innersound ESL-300, a Bel Canto evo-4 Mk 2, and a lowly NAD 320BEE . The Bel Canto is a standout in regards to purity and transparency. It's image placement and overall definition is also first rate. And it's totally grainless. Today it's my overall favorite solid state amplifier. The Innersound is every so slightly warmer sounding - a good thing with some music - and maybe deeper sounding. But, it is slightly mutted or muddier in direct comparison. I mean very slight so don't misconstrue my meaning here. I still like it a lot. The NAD is surprising on lower volumes. It is just as good to my ears as the Innersound - until things get louder and demanding, or complex.

I like the K2 the least of these amps when running my speakers full range. However, I also like the K2 the best when used as a bass amplifier. It's impact, control and definition in this area are very good.
In a revealing system, it will sound pretty dreadful -- one-dimensional because of all the feedback used in the circuit, low transparency and grainy -- in short, solid-state at its worst. Those things are for P.A. systems, not high-end, two-channel home systems.

If you want cheap, powerful and reliable, but something that won't drive you from the room, just buy a Bryston.
I was Crown's tech rep many years ago and unfortunately the previous posters comments are absolutely correct.

It's not the kind amp you want for a home hi fi system. The Crown is tough, can take a beating on the road without failing, and price effective for the power delivered. However, delicacy, musicality and beauty are not words that come to mind when describing its sound.

You did not mention what associated equipment you've chosen. It might help other Audiogon members guide you, especially if they've already been down that road.