Hi all,
I own Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblock amps, and have never had any reliability issues at all with them.
I have a friend, however, who had a JC-1 monoblock to literally self-destruct.
He said he was listening to it at normal levels, and heard a loud pop that almost sounded like a firecracker went off, the amp went completely dead, and the smell of toasted components filled the air.
He shined a flashlight through the top cover and said that it looked like at least 8 to 10 of the black square Sanken transistors mounted on the sides of inside of the amp, on the heat sinks, had literally blown to pieces!
He said the Sanken devices were still there, but the centers of many of them had literally blown out.
I would assume that these square black Sanken devices are the output transistors?
He checked the power cord, speaker cables, speakers, interconnects, etc., for short circuits and found nothing!
Has anyone else out there had this to happen to their Parasound Halo JC-1 monos, or any other amp before?
What would cause such an incident to happen?
Any answers, ideas, or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a million!
That sounds bad but assuming no damage was done outside of the amplifier the 10 year warranty from Parasound should take care of any problems. I haven't heard of the JC-1's doing that. I don't think that this is a problem that is happening in the JC-1's on a regular basis. The company should replace the amplifier without any hassel I would imagine.
Possibly some internal component failure or a potent power spike through the AC line could be responsible. Does your friend use a surge supressor or does he plug the amps directly into the wall?
Sometimes you just get a bad part no matter how hard a manufacturer screens components. The failure shows up down the road. It would be hard to say if the output transistors failed or something up the line failed (as in the power supply.) It has been my experience that when one output transistor blows, it takes a few with it.
With that said, I don't think the JC1's are less reliable than any other high quality amp would be. Just chalk it up to s--- happens. Parasound should have no qualms about repairing the amp under warranty.
I owned a pair for a short while and one of mine like to shut down regularly for no reason. It would shut down even in stand-by. Never did figure it out. One day, it stopped doing it. It was only one of the pair. It also seemed strange that the transformer in this particular amp hummed right loud vs the other one being dead silent.
Lot of high quality parts in these things but nothings perfect.
Angela, this is rare as far as I know, but when a JC-1 gets into a runaway condition a domino effect of output device failure is possible. Your friend should contact Parasound service, toll free 866-770-8324, and it probably wouldn't hurt for him to let his dealer know of the occurrence. A nice thing to know is the warranty is ten years parts, five years labor. Best of luck!
Same thing happen to me with a Carver Lightstar reference amp. Blow out sixteen transistors all with a wonderful haze of smoke and burning wire. At least that is what a tech told me after openning the amp.He also said it happens when manufactures place cheap transitors in their gear to cut cost.