Does Conrad Johnson 17LS match Threshold T400?

I wish to buy a 2nd hand 17LS together with a 2nd hand T400. Is that a good matching combo? If so, what interconnect, as it seems 17LS demands special cables. If not a good combo, then what is a good match for LS17, and what is a good match for T400? Thanks.

Duane and Loontoon,

17LS sells at US$2,750, and T400 at US$1,860. As they are rather expensive, I have not yet made up my mind. My speaker is Spendor S6e and I am using a DVD player, which will also be replaced by a proper CD player.

like the other members have written - it depends on what YOU value. True the prices you quoted for the 2 used items are nearly $2K each but........they are w-a-y down from what a new product costs. You are getting some of the better electronics for, I would say, a very reasonable price.

Also, IMHO, iffffffffff you are going to spend nearly $2K on the power amp, instead of getting the T400, I would much recommend you get an Aleph power amp. You might lose a bit on the quantity of bass but you'll gain in its quality. There a few Aleph power amps for sale & a Aleph 5 or Aleph 2 monos (these are nearly $3K!) might do the trick w/ your Spendor speakers.
In comparison to any T series amp, the Alephs are far more open. Their midrange is to be heard to be believed - tube-like from a s.s. amp. If one of the Alephs on sale can drive your Spendors, you'll not regret the switch. I feel that an Aleph is a longer term keeper vs. a T series amp. Also, as it has been noted on several threads here on A'gon, the T series amps are NOT designed by Nelson Pass. They were all designed after he left Threshold. The Alephs are 100% Nelson Pass designs.

Thanks for your view.

Indeed I used Aleph 0 before. Nowadays it is rather difficult to find an Aleph in good physical condition. My criteria for a 2nd hand product is its outlook appearance : it must be in good shape. By the way, it is afraid a CJ with an Aleph may end up with a too soft sound.

I would probably buy the 17LS first and then look for the power amp afterwards.

I currently own 2 T400 amps. I paid $2,000 for each in mint condition. You need to be careful matching the pre-amp to the T400 if you are going to use balanced mode (recommended). The T400 requires a very low impedance output (less than 100 ohms) from your pre-amp in balanced mode.
I tried to match them with a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 Tube pre-amp with no luck for that same reason. I matched them witha Threhsold T2 pre-amp and they sound great! I also sent the T2 to John Soderberg (Vintange amp repair) to be modified and it sounds even better. You can pick up a T2 for about $1850.

I hope this help you.