Tubed amp for Paradigm Studio 100V3s...??

Those of you who are in the know about tube amps, your suggestions are appreciated! I would like to make my first venture into tube amps. I have no specific complaints about my SS amps (Bryson 7BST momnoblocks, a little over 500 WPC, but there is plenty of headroom and when we rock, WE ROCK.) I would like to experience the magic so many talk of with tubes.

System and listening specs:

Pre: Modwright 9.0SE or CJ 16LS (Still trying to decide which one of these I like better)
Speakers: Paradigm Studio 100V3, 91 db sensitive
CD: Tubed Jolida 100 with level 1 mod
Interconnects: Tweeking between Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II and Audience AU24s
Speaker Cable: Speltz anti-cable bi-wire (Good stuff!)
Room size: 25'x15'x9', open on one side
Listening pref: jazz, female/male singer/songwriters, world music at low to moderate levels, occasional solo rave when my wife is at book club
Bored with enough details? Thanks fellow Audiogoners!
I just realized your desire for the ultimate would be more appropriately satisfied by pair of Aronov LS-9100 110 tube watts monoblock amps. Makes a proper "fair fight" with your 500 transistor watts monoblock amps, and keeps up the traditon of Big Amps for Big Jobs. My bet is still on the tubes.
Take a look at VTL. They make excellent first tube amps as they require very little maintenance, and have the tube magic you're looking for.
Rogue M-150 mono blocks. A friend has a pair driving Vandersteen 2 Sigs. They run in 75 watts in triode and 150 in ultralinear. The Vandy's are not the most efficent speakers and the Rogues drive them effortlessly.