Mark Levinson 25 vs 25s vs JC-2


I own a 26s (Bal) + 23.5 now. Both bought here in Audiogion from the same guy. Now I think of play LP and here is the followings:

(1)I own an old JC-2 (28 years old) with phono but still need USD200 to fix the line amp part. Soemone offer me USD$900 to take it without fixing. I can use as phono amp to play LP. In this case I won't need to sell it

(2) Or I sell the JC-2 and I can use the USD900 to buy a Mark 25 phono amp to play with 26s

(3) OR I can spend up to USD1600 to buy a Mark 25s.

What should be my choice?
If you can get a 25s for $1600, buy it right now! I was happy to pay $2500 for mine! (I also have a 23.5 and 26s bal -- see my system) However that seems a very low price for a 25s, even without a power supply! You don't actually need another power supply. The one for the 26s will drive both. Make sure it is really a 25s and not a 25. The 25 is OK, but nothing special.

The 25s is almost impossible to find. It is one of the finest phono preamps ever made. Enought gain to handle even 0.25 mV MC cartridges and as quiet as a chair!

(Also, if you can get $900 for the JC-2, you are doing very well :~)
Hello Nsgarch,

I sold the JC-2 at low because when testing one of the phono module not working .... So only at USD690. Now start to look for Mark 25 or 25s ( Is that also have lemo and RCA version or just RCA?)

Ken - be patient and wait for a 25s (buy a cheap phono preamp in the meantime if you need one.)

The last 25s's that were made had RCA's (as did the last 23.5's) It doesn't really matter. When you find a 25s, you should buy it. Fischer makes the best adapters if you need them, They are available directly from Fischer USA (or Switzerland) for $18.50 each.

What kind of TT/cart. do you have? What kind of speakers?

Good luck.


Dear Neil,

TT - Micro DDX1500 (Direct drive)
Cart- MC20 super
Speaker - Proac 2.5 ( change soon, think of Wilson Benesch Discovery or Wilson Audio Sophia)

One question: I would like to get the volume knok of 26s changed ( a scatch). No more avalaible in ML dealer in Hong Kong. Is this till avaliable in US ML dealer?

Hi Ken, Nice system. I would recommend the Wilson Benesch for good value. Sophia is not a good value. If you like the sound of Sophia better, then you should go for a Watt/Puppy, new or used.

As for the knobs, I would email ML customer support directly from their website. If they don't have replacements, you can probably have the old knobs refinished locally. They have been "bead blasted", a form of sandblasting. Contact a sandblaster, or someone who does custom magnesium automobile wheels. They should be able to help you.