Performance loss in used amplifiers?

Recently purchased Mark Levinson 383, 6 years old. Should I be worried about any performance loss? Specifically, does anything in the amp "wear out"? in this amp or any amp. Assume, normal use.
Try to visit Mercury Magnetics that manufacture transformers for any application and any gear.
It's only enough to say to them model # and they will manufacture to you exact copy with matched color code of the wires.
If you're OK with soldering iron it's just a matter of carefull resoldering wires by the color code and mounting these trannies.
One more thing to look for: get a closeup picture of the PCB. Look closely for any sign that the unit has been modified (tampered with, upgraded). You can usually see crummy soldering; if you can't at least the job was done neatly. Always ask the owner if the unit has been serviced by anybody other than an authorized service tech.

And...when buying a used preamplifier be very specific when asking if it works correctly. For example, if it has a phono section and a headphone amplifier have the seller explicitily advise you that both features work correctly. I have had sellers tell me "oh, I did not have a turntable so I could not check the phono". This was after telling me it was mint and all was well; not. I have a dispute going at the moment on such an issue.
Hey;--Thanks for the help, Marakanetz---I will see what they can do for me. Looking for Randy White seems a lost cause. My experience has led me to stay away from older SS amps.