Ever use "switched" outlets on preamp?

I've never thought seriously of using the "switched" auxiliary outlets on the back of preamps/integrateds, such as my new Rotel RC-1070, which provides two such outlets in the back. Obviously they cannot provide enough current for an amp, but enough for a turntable or CD player. Are these receptacles really so bad? If, for instance, the power to the preamp is "clean" ie run from the wall or from a good power strip, does it become "dirty" when run thru the preamp? Better to plug the CD into a powerstrip with an aftermarket power cord?
I wouldn't plug digital equipment ( or anything with a digital "readout") into the preamp as it can "dirty" the power going into the preamp with RFI. In fact, it's best to keep digital equipment on a different wall circuit altogether.

A turntable, cassette deck, or an older analog FM tuner should be OK. Or an accessory that only gets intermittant use, such as a record cleaning machine. No wall warts either. You don't want unshielded transformers that close to your preamp circuits.
Avoid any power strips designed for computers or general household use. I recall a few years ago I had the bedroom system plugged into a heavy duty computer-style power strip and I was shocked by the improvement in sound when I ditched it.

The Wiremold L10320 can be obtained from Allied for $31. It has nine brass outlets in a non-magnetic Al alloy case and looks pretty nice. Naim recommend it.

dirty shmirty. both my systems have switched and unswitched outlets which are used all the time. one mac,one accuphase and both sound superb. the filter used at the outlet (if you use one) is still just as effective.