CAT vs VTL Sound

Can someone characterize how these differ sonically, regarding the cAT JL2/JL3 vs VTL450sig/750sig and how they might mate with Wilson speakers like Wilson Watt Puppy 7 or Maxx2?

The reason I ask is that soundstaging and that 3 dimensional soundstage is the ultimate checklist item for me and one which I think the Maxx2 is eminently capable of and unlike any other loudspeaker I've heard and owned. I feel the layering, depth, and dimensionality of the Maxx2 has perhaps infinite potential commensurate with proper room setup,treatment, positioning etc. I have just never heard layering and imaging like this EVER - it's like surround sound but where you are inside of the soundfield- and I've heard just about everything out there (but not all). If I could find amps that synergize with this attribute and strength of the Maxx2 I would be in audio Nirvana. How would the amps you mention handle this? TIA
I cannot comment on any comparison sonically between
these products.However,in regards to how well VTL products
mate with Wilson...I can give some incite.VTL uses the Maxx
2 currently to voice their products,and David Wilson
(according to Bea @ VTL)uses the Siegfried amps with the Alexandria @Wilson.Aside from the possibility of the two
companies swapping products for mere testing purposes,or because it was economically feasible(prices seem to be comparable for a convenient swap),
methinks there must be a special synergy between the two
companies' products.I know this because I am currently
using the 7.5 pre and anticipate the purchase of Siegfrieds
and Maxx 2' I have been doing a little preliminary research myself.
Obviously,Ken Steven's products are also among the best out
there...I have heard them many times.
But,based on VTL and Wilson working together in developing
and displaying their products...I have leaned this way.
BTW,I am obviously a consumer,and have no affiliation
whatsoever with either company.
'Hope this helps!
I have the Wilson 7s w. the VTL 750s. What I have going on is nothing short of incredible. Fly down to Aruba & have a listen. To describe it "the sound is just sick it is so good". I am very happy & can forgoe purchasing the Maxx IIs for a while. I did some tube swapping in my 7.5 which made the images bigger. Not as tall but close in size to the Maxx IIs. No this system plays real music & sounds good. Not just the Audiophile music. To say it such say it all. It is all system synergy & I have it. I really don't know about the CATs. From what I hear the Lamms match great w. the Maxx IIs. But you know what I can jam it out, no loss of power & I like tetrode w. more power over triode. Most audiophiles who hear this system go home trying to find a way to tweak their systems. I waited many years for this. You can't go wrong in truth either way but the 750s are great amps. They do get hot though.
Dgad = you have a most impressive setup and I have heard how extraordinary the 750s are with WP7's-truly a special combo in audio. My more specific question is now that I have them, how would it work on the Maxx2? Someone at the manufacturer of the amps indicated that the 750 might not control the woofers of the Maxx2 as well as they do the WP7's and alluded to the fact that they may be bloated in the bottom end. I don't know if this is because the new amps are 2x the cost of the now discontinued 750's and they're looking to sell new gear, only, or if the newer Siegfried indeed is the only thing they make that can control the bass of the big Wilsons. Anyone have any thoughts there?

Thank you for the compliments. I have learned a lot through experimentation. The VTL 750 does not lack on the WP 7 on the bass at all. As for the match w. the Maxx IIs I myself am left a little confused asking the exact same question as you. I know those who have sold the Siegfried for the ASR gear. He much prefers it. I also know people who prefer the classic VTL sound. Until I can afford the Maxx IIs I am OK. Supposedly the wooofer of the Maxx II is controlled by Lamms w. 18 watts so I don't necessarily agree. But the Siegfried is a fully regulated power supply. I don't like the dynamics for Rock on the 750s in triode only tetrode. I basically use all 800 watts available at times. Then again the Maxx II is more efficient. There is one member who switched out ARC 610s (if I remember correctly) for Lamms. I had my Krell 600 before. Bass was a tiny bit more solid but truly tiny. Body on the VTL is better.

To summarize my feelings in a simple way, we are tunning our system. How you tune it is based on tubes, cartridges, room, equipment. I heard a great tuned setup which I then purchased. I then improved on it at the source. I am still improving w. better tubes. Changing tubes is fun. I can do a lot w. a little money to realy make a big difference in my system.

Would I try CAT on my speakers. No. Simply because my sound is so good & it took me so long to get there. I have what I want based on my priorities. But I would gladly take a solid state amp over a tube amp any day to save the hassle if the sound was the same. It is just very difficult to demo gear to find out. Tubes are work. They produce heat & from time to time a fuse goes. Still the sound is worth it.

Hope I helped, rambling a bit.