Amp for Totem Forest

Hey everybody,

I have purchased a pair of Totem Forest speakers, I have a DAC1 en route and I will be using it as a linestage as well. So now my search is for a good 2-CH amp that will serve me well. I am open to Tube or SS, my budget is $1500 USED give or take. Listening tastes vary from Monophonic Gregorian Chant to DJ Tiesto, Handel to Sinatra. Balanced inputs would be a plus. Ideas?


YBA gear matches extremely well with Totem products.

Vince from Totem often uses YBA products to power his speakers at trade shows and in audition rooms.

I have a YBA 2 pre and YBA2 HCDT amp I use with my Model Ones with beautiful synergy.

..although DJ Tiesto requires me to move my sub from my Home Theatre set up into my HIFI system..

Good luck with an exciting purchase
i used a musical fidelity tri vista intergated amp with my forests for about 2 years, and it was a magical combination. i could not give it any higher recommendation! the tri vista integrated amp is stunning, and you can get a used one on the 'gon for a very reasonable price.
The best amp I've heard with the Forest is Totem's own integrated amp. It's expensive (I want to say around $5000) and not the prettiest thing in the world, but damn does it ever sound good!

I am not looking to purchase an integrated, would like to invest in 2ch amp only.

Thanks for the comments so far guys!