Did I make a mistake buying Krell?

I was in search of a nice integrated amp that I could keep around for a long time. I got a good deal on a Krell KAV-300i, so I made a command decision to buy it.

I haven't hooked it up yet but I'm second guessing if it was the right decision. My equipment that will be used with the Krell: EAD-2000 cdp and Klipsch KLF-20 & Chorus II speakers (99db & 101db sensitivity respectively). The Klipsch speaker crossovers have upgraded resistors and caps and I can honestly say they don't sound bright and forward anymore. I would describe the sound right now as much warmer and alot less forward than before.

My question to you folks is:
1. Is Krell a good match for my existing set up?
2. What is the Krell sound?
3. If Krell isn't a good match, what would be better in the $1000-$1500 used range?

Keep in mind, I never said Klipsch & Krell would not make a good match, Krell themselves made that statement to me over the phone. Call Krell yourself and see. But it was the KSA series I was inquiring about, not the new Krell amps. I would not get rid of your horn loaded speakers, because they are very sensitive, maybe 96db & higher, opens the door to use lower powered ss amps or set tube amplifiers and allows you to dispense with higher powered, high priced amps. Klipsch speakers sound excellent with the right gear. I have been using four very large Klipsch speakers (102db sensitivity) for ten years. Audiophiles who have heard them left very impressed. I know which quality amps to use with them.
I don't man, I would be really nervous about your decision if I were you. You may want to go to some other forums and ask them what they think before you hook things up.
I owned a KAV-300i for about 6 months. I really tried to like it but it always came off as sterile. It lacked the warmth I prefer and perhaps what others call "neutral". It did dredge up bass that I did not know was with in my speakers, it was quick on transients but the highs seemed edgy. I had it matched with 90db monitors (ACI Sapphires).

I feel it may well overpower your klipsch and that you never get the full benefit of its excellent power. Heck, it may never even get warm.

My experience only-your mileage may vary.
I had KLF 30's with a 300i for two years. Then I bought a pair of B&W DM 602.5's & I never looked back. Where you made the mistaken is buying the klipsch. Knock on the side of the cabinet that ringing sound you hear is not quality.
Krellm7 I will have to agree with you on your choice to pair a Krell amp with B&W speakers as I have a close buddy on Audiogon that has this set up & loves it. I don't agree with your asessment on all Klipsch speakers as the different models are not all equal in sound or build quality. I have the Klipsch CF4s which were next to the best Klipsch speaker sold in the early nineties, you will never see me sell these. The McCormack amps sound excellent with Klipsch speakers as I found out, also Steve McCormack mentioned to me in a phone conversation that some of his customers felt the same way. I am not dismissing Krell as a good power amp as I never heard one but rather making a suggestion as what works well & sounds good with Klipsch. I love well designed horn speakers, someday I hope to purchase Advantgarde. Vman71, let us know how things work out.