Did I make a mistake buying Krell?

I was in search of a nice integrated amp that I could keep around for a long time. I got a good deal on a Krell KAV-300i, so I made a command decision to buy it.

I haven't hooked it up yet but I'm second guessing if it was the right decision. My equipment that will be used with the Krell: EAD-2000 cdp and Klipsch KLF-20 & Chorus II speakers (99db & 101db sensitivity respectively). The Klipsch speaker crossovers have upgraded resistors and caps and I can honestly say they don't sound bright and forward anymore. I would describe the sound right now as much warmer and alot less forward than before.

My question to you folks is:
1. Is Krell a good match for my existing set up?
2. What is the Krell sound?
3. If Krell isn't a good match, what would be better in the $1000-$1500 used range?


From cdp to integrated - using Violin Concierto
Power chord to cdp - Acoustic Zen Tsunami Plus
Power chord to integrated - Electraglide Reference Glide


What I'm trying to say is the sound is warmer, not as bright and not so in my face with the Sunfire. With the Krell, my speakers sound identical to when I had the original speaker crossover networks in them. When I had all the resistor and caps replaced with high quality ones, my speakers were not bright at all, not so forward and had a warmer feel.

Your mix might be a little anemic sounding, especially without tone controls with klipsch speakers, they are good speakers for the dollar but need some good combos to make them really sound right, I had klipsch for years and commend the basic design and type of approch they make, but you may need to go with different amplification for them.. To the question on Krell, well my opinion really does not matter but none of the stuff I tried impressed me, I like much more Organic, musical sounding stuff, not necessarily super accurate.
if you want the best integrated amp, then you should check out the DK Design Group vs-1 reference
Let the krell warm up for a few days, it may have been off for months. I am not trying to bash your Sunfire but I had A Cinema Grand amp & it was cold & bright sounding.
In no way did it sound better than the Krell.
But if you like it better than it is better(for you).
I have owned many klipsch in my time Heresy,KG3.5,KG5.5,Chorus,KLF 30's you will never hear them until you put a tube amp on them. That is what they are designed for, do your self a favor pick up a tube intergrated on the Gon you will never go back trust me.