McIntosh vs. Krell amp for Home Theater

I am looking at a McIntosh MC207 and a Krell Showcase Amplifier 7. I have MartinLogan Ascent i front speakers and a MartinLogan Cinema i center. I plan to purchase MartinLogan Script i for rear speakers. I am using a B&K Ref 50 preamp. I listen to music and watch movies almost equally. Does anyone have any exprience with these amps.
This is a little off the subject but I met a guy who replaced his Krell Showcase SSP with the MX135 and he loves the improvement. He wants a 207 next.
I have a Krell showcase - I'll keep it and upgrade just by adding amps for the front speakers, so I get the best during music and the most important channels for me (fronts since I have no centre) during movies.
ive never owned the mc207 but i did briefly own a mc206 & i hated that amp,i know its not the same amp as the mc207 your asking about but the 2 different model amps cant be that far off from each other,i thought the mc206 sounded thin & weak & it clipped very quickly.

i much prefered the mc7106 over the mc206.
