Rogue Audio M-120's

I'm going to buy a pair of these (Maybe) to use part time with my Apogee Duetta Signatures...the Duetta Signatures are not all that tuff to drive (nothing like the other Apogees).

Anyone ever own or listen the Rogue 120's?

I'll still have my old Krell Ksa-250 for those other moments so I'm not worried about high SPL's (100-125 watts a side) will be enough power. I've only got around $2,000 to spend so the Rogue or Quicksilver V-4's are at the top of my list.

My preamp is tubed Audioprism Mantissa, DAC is Counterpoint.

Thanks for any Rogue M-120 or Quicksilver V-4 impressions you can share.

Eldarado, thanks buddy. I did read that the 120's run warm... I hope not warmer than my Ksa-250.

I've got them (non-magnum)- I love them. When finances agree I may consider the 150 upgrade. My thread when I was in your position:

Be interested in you impressions should you go with them. Have fun.
Hi Slothman

Got an e-mail this morning..." the Rogue are shipping today".

I'll email my impressions to you after I've had some time with them...I am expecting good things based on my research, and other components these will be mated with in my room.

I read your thread...thanks buddy...happy audiophiles have more time for music!
