Solid state amp for Von Schweikert vr4jr's

I have a 1500.00 +/- budget and looking to compliment my vr4jr's with quality solid state amp. Krell, McCormack, Mark Levinson, BAT, Gamut, Bryston. What is your favorite? Any others? Thanks
Consider the new Bel Canto S300 for $1600 @ 150wpc using the latest ICEPower modules. Very low noise floor and wide bandwidth produce a clean, accurate and palpable soundstage. I'm using with the VR4Sr's and dB99's to great effect. Compact design (9lbs), efficient (no heat) great looking and very well built.

A used Bryston 4B-ST fits your budget. Maybe a Classe CA-300. I like both. Both have plenty current delivery to control the bass. Thr two amps seem to have different characters. I have not heard them with the Von S 4jr.s however. A 150 to 300 watt Krell would be great, but probably not in your budget. Ditto Levinson. Have not heard the conrad johnson ss amps. McCormack either. They are in the price range however if used. Again, I'm not familiar with the speaker so take it with a couple grains of salt...
"VR4j has a slow and somewhat foggy bass" - I would have to disagree. I'm using a 50 watt tube amp with mine (I used to have a 200wpc SS amp). The bass sounds solid and tight with both amps. It does sound a little loose with 50watts compared to 200watts, but nothing like foggy or slow. These speakers are known for their high quality bass at a reasonable price.

I think the ultimate would be to biamp with a ss high power to the bass and a tubed (triode) at about 30 wpc. You'd get the best of both worlds.
I am currently running a BAT VK-60 but used to have a McCormack DNA-1. I was very pleased with that combo until I was lured away by tubes.
Find a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 on the 'Gon. You can probably get one for around 2K. It's a little over your budget, but you shouldn't deny yourself. The V4Jr's are one of the best speakers I've ever heard. Give 'em good juice! If you insist on solid state, look to others for advice. I only advise using tubes.