I highly recommend the Levinson 436 amps. See my ad on Audiogon.
I've used them for several years and compared them to Krell monos, Classe, and several others. In my system (all Levinson and Revel) they have been magnificent. I can provide pictures on request. I have given this advice to many even before I've decided to upgrade to 33s. These amps do some phenomanal things and in the right system can really bring it to the next level. How do they sound? Well they are chameleon like, in that they don't have a sound of their own, but reflect the surrounding cables, sources, and components. Highly nuetral and have let me know the right or wrongess of ever tweak or upgrade I've ever tried. Revealing but very musical, and unfatigueing.
I'd be happy to talk with you, and my phone number is included with my ad.