What Is Best Monoblocks For Around $10,000 Used?

I'm searching for an amplifier upgrade in my system. My system is presently made up of a Classe CA-401 amp, Krell HTS 7.1 pre-pro, Piega P10 loudspeakers and Mark Levinson No.39 CD player. (The P10's and ML 39 will eventually be upgraded.) I listen to 2-channel redbook CD's, but the system also does Home Theater with a Krell Theater Amp Standard handling the center channel, rear channel and Zone 2.

I'm searching for a pair of mono-blocks that sells in the used market for about $10,000 (plus or minus), to replace the Classe CA-401 stereo amp. I've considered the Krell 450Mcx, but heard it sounds dark. (I don't know what dark is.) I've considered the Musical Fidelity KW amps, but they only have single ended inputs. The Pass Labs X600 may not give me the bass I'd like to have.

Can anyone make any suggestions on a good, resolving pair of mono-blocks?

Thank you.
I've hear nice things about the Lamm 2.2 amp. What types of speakers would be suitable for this amp?
well lamm often showcases with the wilson speakers at show so that is another reason I got the lamm amp.....so the wilson watt puppy 7 is the best bet unless you got mad cash for the maxx 2
I am sure a lot of people will disagree with Karmapolice. Calling Pass a Ford is like calling M-B or BMW an econobox.

But maybe Karmapolice is referring to Lamm's reliability when he uses Jaguar as an example.

I have heard both Lamm and Pass, I will not claim Lamm is in a different league.
I'll throw in my vote for Lamm... I do own the M2.1, and think any of their hybrid amps would be your best bet. I haven't heard the new X.5 pass amps, but I do feel the Lamms are a big step up from the older X series. With that said, if I hadn't heard the Lamms, I would probably own Pass. I certainly don't think they're bad amps.