Hall of Fame: BIGGEST BADDEST Monster Amps

There have been a lot of posts on:

"tube amps with balls"
"amps to drive my 1 ohm, inefficient speakers"
"amps for rock and roll"
"Levinson, Krell, Bryston, Pass Labs etc"
"sounds more powerful than its rating suggests"
"despite low rating, puts out huge current" etc.

But I somehow find these threads divergent and confusing and still cant seem to short list a new set of monoblocks to biamp (low end) and COMMAND my Magneplanar Tympanis, fill up a large room with EFFORTLESS dynamics and CONTROL the bass with no debates, questions, reservations or tweaky failures.

So let's please hear your thoughts:

What are the all time, hall of fame, MONSTER power amps, where there should be no doubt whatsover about HUGE amounts, of effortlessly dynamic, clean, smooth, audiophile power.

I have to think that for the low end of biamping, this should be a solid state amp, unless someone can really suggest an unusually robust and low maintenance tube amp.

Mark Levinson 20.6?
Pass X-600's?
Bryston 7 B monoblocks?
Parasound monoblocks?

Thank you.
The pics Twilon posted above is not of a POA-S1, but of a POA-S10, which is very less impressive in terms of size, finishes and performances.

Here is a pics of two POA-S1:

I've owned and used the Denon POA S1 and compared it to Atma-Spher MA Mk3.1 tube amp for six months before I could decide which amps I wanted to keep. I chose the Atma-Sphere but would go back to the POA S1 any time. 235wpc effortless and especially good for the low end. A truly remakable amp.
CAT's! My Levinson 336 went bye bye after a very brief comparison with CAT JL1 mono's. When compared to my Levinson, the CAT's absolutely controlled my Soundlab M1's and at "only" 100w/ch vs the Levinson at 350w/ch.
How about the new McIntosh monoblocks. I have seen them only in pics, they look powerful.
For me it would definetly be my Levinson 336. It's quite a step up from my Linn 5125 (which itself is not a bad amp).

I love this thing!