Hall of Fame: BIGGEST BADDEST Monster Amps

There have been a lot of posts on:

"tube amps with balls"
"amps to drive my 1 ohm, inefficient speakers"
"amps for rock and roll"
"Levinson, Krell, Bryston, Pass Labs etc"
"sounds more powerful than its rating suggests"
"despite low rating, puts out huge current" etc.

But I somehow find these threads divergent and confusing and still cant seem to short list a new set of monoblocks to biamp (low end) and COMMAND my Magneplanar Tympanis, fill up a large room with EFFORTLESS dynamics and CONTROL the bass with no debates, questions, reservations or tweaky failures.

So let's please hear your thoughts:

What are the all time, hall of fame, MONSTER power amps, where there should be no doubt whatsover about HUGE amounts, of effortlessly dynamic, clean, smooth, audiophile power.

I have to think that for the low end of biamping, this should be a solid state amp, unless someone can really suggest an unusually robust and low maintenance tube amp.

Mark Levinson 20.6?
Pass X-600's?
Bryston 7 B monoblocks?
Parasound monoblocks?

Thank you.
what about the crown MA10000. 10.000 watts

http://www.crownaudio.com/crntime.htm 1987
I'll throw the following into the fray:

Gryphon Antilean Monoblocks (175W-Class A)
Boulder 2050 Monoblocks (1000W-Class A/B)
Classe Omega Monoblocks (500W-Class A/B)
Karan Acoustics Monoblocks (1500W-Class A/B)
May be not hall of fame but Bryston 28b sst is defiantly a monster also Krell's FPB 600.
Forget about Pass labs X1000, Classe Omega,Mcintosh 1201...Simaudio Moon Rock mono blocs currently selling for $50,000 the best money can buy.You have to hear them to believe them. Jm labs Grande Utopia + Moon Rock = Heaven
Wolcott CA/PA 250 Instrumentation Monoblocks (Used by the National Institute of Standards & Technology); Threshold SA-1's and SA/12e's.