Rotel RB-1090 v. Aragon 8008BB

I'm trying to decide between two used poweramps in very good condition--a Rotel RB-1090 poweramp and an Aragon 8008BB. I'll run them through a Rotel RC995 preamp to Taylo Reference monitors. I listen mostly to Baroque and Romantic Italian opera, Mozart, and lots of jazz (classic Ellington, Lester Young, and 50s-60s Monk, Trane, and Miles).

There is also the option of going smaller with a Denon PMA-2000 IVR.

I think you're wrong about the high end on the Aragon, but there's no substitute for actually listening yourself. Buy both used and sell the "loser"....easy for me to say, eh...
Thanks for the suggestion. I may not be able to listen to both before deciding, but I have listened to the Rotel. Glad to know your opinion of the Aragon re the higher frequencies. It's reassuring, though it makes it tough to choose.
I would go with the Aragon or the PMA. The PMA is a great integrated amp. Very musical and delivers very high current.

I'd Nix the Rotel from your list, and I'd punt the Rotel preamp too.