Cheap amp $300 to use with Vandersteen 2ces

Currently, the Vandersteens are being powered by a Rotel RB-956AX in bridged mode for 150w/c. I am selling the center channel and so will be going to 2 channel only.

I have been told that Rotel in general is not a good match for Vandersteens. What other manufactures would you recommend that would match well with the Vandersteens? Now that I only need two channels, I would assume going to a dedicated 2 channel amp would be better than a 6 channel amp bridged to 3.
.. vandies are designed around pse gear..

They are??? It's my understanding that Richard voices his speakers with Audio Research.
Acurus A150 sounded real good when I auditioned said Vandersteens with a Melos 111B preamp.
I have had several B&K amps in that price range but, you can find a used McCormack DNA 0.5 for around $600.