NAGRA PL-L owner Question S

I recently purchased the Nagra PL-L after read the comment fr the member (Artg), get a good deal fr here and just send to Canada, it sounds really good as Artg discribed, since
I am a newbee, can someone suggest me some ideas how to improve the sound quality?? Good Powercord make any difference on this (it operate by DC..)

I also noticed that the DC supply ACPS run little warm when operate for few hrs, is that normal??

Also the DC meter sits on the lower end of the green area but not on the middle, is that normal too, what is other user's setting?? According to the manual, the green area is fr 11.6V to 13V....

I am confused by the page " ELECTRONIC SERVICES

Does it mean there is a EXTRA fuse inside the power
supply and also inside the plastic bag??Do I need to
OPEN the power supply and take the EXTRA fuse out??if
there is a plastic bag inside the power supply, I am
afraid it will be melt because the power supply run a
little bit warm.

no I have not, but have heard they're pretty nice. My main reason for not is expense (they are waaaay expensive), and secondly, others' horror stories about sparks within them causing shorts in their VPA's, which would not be an issue for yours which came with KR's from the factory.
A close friend of mine, who also uses VPAs, already expirienced a KR tube failure. Fortunately for him, the failure caused no damage to the speakers. The tube was replaced by Nagra (togeter with the other working tube from that pair) under warranty.

Before KR tubes, he used the chineese ones. He told me that KRs are far more refined sounding.
For me, the new 845M (which was several years in development and only started shipping 2 months ago) is good enough, and much much much much better to the oroginal Shuguang 845's that used to be stock for VPA's - really a major improvement.... so I bet the perfromance gap is now quite a bit less than when your friend used the 'chinese 845.'