Sovtek 6550 - Can they really be THIS bad???


Just picked up a new Jadis today, and I'm none too pleased with the sound. As I have had blissful sonic experiences with two of the models lower on the Totem Pole from this manufacturer, the only thing I can trace it to is the Sovtek 6550. Can they really be THIS bad???

I already switched out the JAN Philips 12AX7 and Golden Dragon 12AU7 for Mullard Blackburn and Ei respectively. The improvement has been subtle, but it still ain't working for me...

I have used ElectroHarmonix 6550 in the past, and while they didn't float my boat, I'm told that EH represents a signficant step up from the regular old Sovteks. JJ E34L and KT88 just have sounded really splendid to me. So, now I'm looking at picking up 8 new output tubes if I don't wish to live with such uninspired sound.
Hi Trelja. Thanks for mentioning the possibility of the JOR being "loose" - I took this to mean that the little bolts on the casing could be loose, and sure enough tightening them virtually eradicated the hum - presumably the service guy who biased the new tubes left them a bit undone and so the casing amplified whatever resonance the transformer was creating.
Hope your new amp works out. Regards, Rob.
Rob, I'm so happy about the JOR not having a "real" transformer issue. That would be quite painful.

You read me 100% correct in my saying "loose" meaing what you thought it meant. My idiotic ramblings are so all over the place, it's a wonder anyone can understand me sometimes. It's easy to see how a loose transformer could really buzz. The biasing of the amp should not involve loosening the transformers whatsoever, only reading a few resistors, and adjusting the respective potentiometers until the voltages on those resistors falls into spec. Still, I'm sure it could have loosened any number of ways.

Good luck with that JOR, it's one of the finest sounding amps I have ever encountered, if not the finest.
I need to make a correction. I think the stock tubes for my CAT JL-2 are 6922--and I haven't changed them.
You're still welcome to come over and have a listen of course.
Well, after spending a few more days trying certain things, and talking to a few people, I wanted to update things.

In my situation, the crux of the problem is NOT the Sovtek 6550. I wanted to clarify that I have been listening to them in my DA30, and while certainly no match for the JJ KT88, they still allow the Jadis sound to assert itself. I feel obligated to let everyone know that while they are not going to become my favorites, they are not the root cause of the poor sound I am experiencing.

I guess for many, sadly, they would not think anything was wrong with the DA60. However, I have become quite familiar with the Jadis magic, and this amp does not possess that. Amplifiers from other companies simply do not have it. Someone not familiar with it might not be able to tell, but I was. And, it is through no fault of the tubes. While a legitimate Jadis, I have discovered the amplifier has been modified by folks who have somehow bled what is special about a Jadis out of it. And, along the way, have done a lot of wrong to the amp, manifested in the way it works. This was in no way devulged to me by the seller, and the amp was listed in very good - excellent condition. I am not sure what my recourse is. But hey, caveat emptor, I bought a used component. Though I have purchased new Jadis products, as I said, there was no way I could swing $11,800 for this integrated. Worst case scenario is that I have found a person expert in Jadis, and has the ability to get the DA60 to where it should be. At which point, I can accurately determine how it compares to my JOR and DA30.

But, again, I feel it necessary to make sure I apologize to Sovtek in regards to their 6550 output tubes. They are NOWHERE as bad I initially inquired about,
Sorry to hear about your DA60 - if the seller knew that the amp had been modified - and how could they not unless they too bought it used?? - he/she certainly should have revealed this. Hope your Jadis expert can get it back to "stock" performance for you.
